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Are you searching for ways to feel better about yourself? One thing that builds self-esteem is to find a talent!

Music is what feelings sound like

Do you have a talent for music? Listening or playing? For yourself, others, both?

Music is one of my talents. Beginning notes turned into beautiful melodies. I didn’t always enjoy practice, but enjoyed playing songs. Despite no money for lessons, I practiced and people offered to teach me or arranged for lessons. Playing and singing music is an emotional outlet, providing enjoyment. I serve others through music, and pass on the talent to piano students.

Need ideas for your own talents? First, what do you enjoy doing? What kinds of things do you like? Working with your hands? Music, art, reading? Sewing? Helping others? Dancing, sports or the outdoors? Make a list of the types of things you enjoy doing now, as well as those you have enjoyed in the past.

Second, for what do people compliment you? What do you feel you do well? Do others say you have a flair for fashion, dressing and accessorizing well? Do your friends thank you for being a good listener? Do they say you have a great garden?

Growing a Garden

“A volunteer sunflower made its appearance. We decided to let it grow and see …”

Maybe they rave over your colorful walls and interior decor that you just completed. Or they love it when you cook, and always beg you for the recipe. Write down everything you can think of that you’ve done and others commented positively about it.

Third, what would you like to do if you didn’t have to do anything? If you could spend time doing anything you wanted, what would you do? Write? Speak? Perform? Create? Alone or with a group? Who would you do it with or for? Jot down any ideas that come to mind. (Pretend money is not a factor because there’s a way if it’s important).

Talents need not be public to be valuable. Perhaps you make and keep lifelong friends, and have a talent for strong relationships. Maybe you are great with children. You might know just what to say to someone who is going through a difficult time. Whatever you enjoy and are good at doing, is a valuable talent for you. Perhaps a talent comes easily and naturally to you, like solving complicated math problems or fixing a car.

Compare your lists. What stands out? What do you feel most excited about? Circle those items you feel the strongest about, or that are repeated more than once. From those circles, choose which ones you would seriously like to pursue. What will bring you the most joy and fulfillment?

Once you’ve decided on a talent to pursue, make a plan to develop it. Will developing this talent mean taking lessons? Will you want to schedule classes? Does it require practice in order to enjoy it more? Perhaps it is something you already do, and now can appreciate it as your TALENT.

Now that you know what talents you want to pursue, put your plan into ACTION!

Find a Talent!

So use the talents He has given you to the fullest and make every day as important as the next. Everyone has different talents. If we we were all the same, the world would be a very boring place.”

If you would like guidance in finding your unique talents, you are welcome to contact me for personal assistance.